If you feel able and would like to help...
The same price today as when we opened...
Only $30 a year...
The Stirling MILL’s lending program is accessible to all. Our annual Patron fees remain low, the same price today as when the MILL first opened. Only $30 a year for a basic registration, with additional options for multiple concurrent loans. We also maintain a 'Pay it Forward' fund to assist students and families who need music to face financial challenges and assistance with the cost of their Patron registration.
The Stirling MILL receives no regular funding from any level of government or granting agency toward ongoing costs of operation. Patron fees cover only a small part of what it costs to run the MILL.
Not only has the MILL's operation grown exponentially from when we started in 2019, as we all know, costs for just about everything* have increased across the board. We must rely on kindness, generosity and financial contributions from the public to make up the difference.
Individuals, business, service clubs, groups and organizations in all the communities we serve, if you feel able and would like to help...
"Many hands make light of much work", and many different people are already engaged bringing this musical instrument lending program into your community. Every dollar given in support of the MILL honours all of our best efforts.
The Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library is a not-for-profit organization and registered Charity (#74245-0315-RR0001). Financial contributions of $20 and more to the Stirling MILL are eligible for a Charitable Donation receipt.
If you feel able and would like to do so, financial donations to the Stirling MILL can be made in person by cash or cheque, by e-transfer to treasurer@stirlingmill.ca or through CanadaHelps which offers a variety of giving options for one-time and monthly giving through Debit/Credit card, or gifts of publicly listed securities or cryptocurrency.
While all financial contributions are deeply appreciated, re-occurring monthly donations help us to plan our operations and services for the upcoming year.
- Except, of course the annual cost of borrowing privileges at the Stirling MILL! Still only $30 a year for basic Patron registration...