Be part of this!
- 5 years
- 400 instruments + accessories & gear, music & instructional materials
- Thousands of instrument loans to hundreds of Patrons across all the communities we serve.
The Stirling MILL is a big project, a not-for-profit registered Charity (#74245-0315-RR0001). We lend musical instruments to residents of Belleville, Quinte West; Stirling, Campbellford and ALL other villages, towns and rural municipalities in southern Hastings County, eastern Northumberland and Peterborough Counties too.
We are built on grassroots involvement, individual and community support, participation and volunteer contribution from many sources.
Instrument loans are FREE and available to all MILL Patrons.
10 different locations to access your instrument loans! Our unique approach serves rural residents, villages, small towns and urban centres alike.
You probably have a Stirling MILL location right close to where you live. Local access for all our Patrons to borrow from the wide range and quality of musical instruments maintained by the MILL as one cohesive collection.
- Register as a MILL Patron, borrow an instrument, play music, have fun...
The MILL provides a Pay it Forward program for folks/families who may really need it. If you feel able to include an additional amount beyond your $30 annual Patron fee, your generosity will be welcome.
Your support for the MILL – in whatever way you are able – is invited and appreciated.
'Making it work'...
- Yes, there's always stuff to be done, tasks to be completed, large and small, on an ongoing basis.
- Also, many opportunities for learning, sharing knowledge and developing existing skills, experience and ability.
No one of us knows everything. The Stirling MILL requires ongoing learning and innovation, developing with experience as necessity demands and resources allow. There are some exciting things going on.
Want to know more? Please browse this website. As well as the Instrument Catalogue and the Teachers Listings, there's a whole lot more to find. Interesting...? Got a question...? Get in touch, we’d love to talk with you. Creative engagement, input and feedback is welcome.

How to Support Us
Donate a Musical Instrument to the MILL
Instrument Donations are at the heart of our lending program.
Help us share the joy of music; please bring your 'under-loved' instruments to the Stirling MILL. We can help them put a smile on the face of someone new!
The Stirling MILL accepts donations of gently used musical instruments and gear in good working order. All kinds except full size pianos, organs and other large, heavy ‘non-portable’ items.
Maybe it’s time to tidy up those closets.
To donate musical equipment please download and complete the Deed of Gift form below.
A tax receipt may be requested for donated instruments with an assessed value of $20.00 or more.
If you’re not sure the instrument/equipment you have could work for the MILL, please get in touch. We like to help instruments find a home. We’re good at this!
(call/text) 613-661-6183
Financial contributions are always welcome too!
As a young, growing organization – opened to the public in January 2019 – the Stirling MILL needs to maximize our results from every dollar we spend. Seems we always have some initiative or other waiting ‘til we can develop the funding required.
If you’d like to help out, we’d love to talk to you about fundraising possibilities and financial donations.
The Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library is a not-for-profit organization and registered Charity (#74245-0315-RR0001). Financial contributions of $20 and more to the Stirling MILL are eligible for a Charitable Donation receipt.
If you feel able and would like to do so, financial donations to the Stirling MILL can be made in person by cash or cheque, by e-transfer to or through CanadaHelps which offers a variety of giving options for one-time and monthly giving through Debit/Credit card, or gifts of publicly listed securities or cryptocurrency.