Established in 2018, the Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library is a registered Charity (#74245-0315-RR0001) committed to serving our community by providing opportunities and resources to promote interest in the study and practice of music, and enhance appreciation for the musical arts.
- 5 years • 400 instruments + accessories & gear, music & instructional materials • Thousands of instrument loans to hundreds of Patrons across the many communities we serve.
“What a terrific program!”
- From our ‘head office’ in the village of Stirling, the MILL manages an extensive lending program that offers musical instruments for loan to the general public, including children, youth, and seniors.
- Working through 9 additional Partner Libraries (10 different locations to get your instrument loans!) our unique approach serves rural residents, villages, small towns and urban centres alike, providing local access for all our Patrons to borrow from our wide range of instruments maintained as one cohesive collection.
- Offering instrument loans, resources, sheet music, and instructional materials the MILL supports students engaged in music lessons and programs and plays a vital role networking to establish and reinforce connections within the regional music community.
- Beyond our instrument lending program, the MILL creates opportunities for learning, organizes, supports and promotes musical performances within the community.
We firmly believe that every individual should have the opportunity to experience the joy of learning and playing an instrument. We are committed to making this possible for all residents of the many municipalities we serve.

Support the Stirling MILL
Your support for the MILL – in whatever way you are able – is invited and welcomed. There are many tasks to be completed, large and small on an ongoing basis. Opportunities for learning, and to share the skills, experience and ability you have to offer. Get in touch, we’d love to talk with you.